![]() Curculio mas |
![]() Curculio femina |
These are arranged by topic for clarity. The actual year of publication is in the left column, nominal in the full reference after the title. A horizontal line in the date column indicates that a paper has no specific publication date, since it is in revision, under review, or not yet submitted. I plan to turn this into a database sortable by date, title, or subject, but will not have time to do that this year.
I. Greek Literature |
Homer: |
1995 | Papers: | 1. | Pythagoras Previous Parents: Why Euphorbos?, Mnemosyne 48 : 210-211. PDF |
1997 | 2. | A Coarse Pun in Homer? (Il. 15.467, 16.120), Mnemosyne 50 : 477-479. PDF | |
| 3. | Making Change for a Tripod (Iliad 23.736-37), in preparation. | |
Tragedy: |
1994 | Paper: | 1. | Aeschylus, Eumenides 659, Museum Criticum 25-28 :
65-66. PDF |
1995 | Lectures: | 2. | Post-Promethean Thugs: The Human Condition in the Prometheus Bound, APA (San Diego), December 1995. |
1997 | 3a. | Prometheus Pandorus: Towards a New Interpretation of the Prometheus Bound, Cambridge University Literary Seminar, May 7, 1997, Wadham College, Oxford, May 8, 1997, University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana), March 3, 2000, University College, London, May 12, 2000, University of Cincinnati, May 23, 2000; incorporates most of §2. | |
3b. | Prometheus Bound and Unbound (version of §3a for an undergraduate audience), St. Johns College, Annapolis, June 11, 1997. | ||
1998 | Papers: | 4. | Aeschylus, Eumenides 188, Hermes 126 :
380-82. PDF |
| 5. | The Punishments of Prometheus: From Apotympanismós to the Bárathron, in revision for Journal of Hellenic Studies written version of part of §3a. | |
The Greek Anthology: |
1991 | Papers: | 1. | A Hermetic Pun in Marcus Argentarius XII G-P (A.P. 5.127), Hermes 119 : 497. PDF |
1992 | 2. | Frigidus Lusus: Marcus Argentarius XXXIV G-P (A.P. 11.320), Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 32 : 197-201. PDF | |
1997 | 3. | An Abysmal Pun: Marcus Argentarius VI G-P (A.P. 5.104), Mnemosyne 50 : 325-28. PDF | |
2016 | E-Paper: | 4. | Plain and Simple: Marcus Argentarius IV G-P (A.P. 5.89). PDF |
| 5. | An Epicurean Epigram: Philodemus 29 Sider (= 20 G.P. = A.P. 9.412), in preparation. | |
E-Text: | 6. | Marcus Argentarius: Epigrams, with translation and commentary, in preparation. | |
Miscellaneous: |
1996 | Papers: | 1. | The Meter of Bacchylides 2 and 6, Liverpool Classical Monthly 19 : 110-14. PDF |
1997 | 2. | Herodotus 1.45.3, Museum Criticum 30 : 167-69. PDF | |
II. Latin Literature |
Republican Literature: |
1995 | Papers: | 1. | Plautus, Miles Gloriosus 1422, Museum Criticum 29 : 237-38. |
2. | Caelius, Fr. 17 O.R.F.4, Museum Criticum 29 : 239-40. PDF | ||
1996 | 3. | A Martial Acronym in Ennius?, Liverpool Classical Monthly 19 : 108-9. HTML | |
2000 | Lecture: | 4. | Lucretius Dedication: Why Memmius?, Leeds International Latin Seminar, May 5, 2000. HTML |
| Paper: | 5. | Good Salting for a Pimps Guts (Plautus, Curculio 242), in preparation. |
Vergil: |
1998 | Papers: | 1. | With Diane R. Filkorn: When Goats Look Askance: An Animal Husbandry Joke in Vergil
(Ecl. 3.8 9), Liverpool Classical
Monthly 20.3-4 (March-April 1995) 51-52.
2000 | 2. | Epidaurus, Epirus, . . . Epidamnus? Vergil, Georgics, 3.44, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 99 (1999), 295-300. | |
2001 | 3. | Two Notes on Vergil, Aeneid X, Museum Criticum 32-35 : 145-149. PDF | |
Horace: |
1989 | Lecture: | 1. | Problems in the Cleopatra Ode, APA (Boston), December 1989; revised and published as §2 below. |
1992 | Papers: | 2. | Three Problems in the Cleopatra Ode, Classical
Journal 88 : 137-46. HTML |
3. | More on Puns in the Cleopatra Ode, Mnemosyne 45 (1992) 529-31. | ||
1994 | 4. | Seneca, St. Paul, Synesius, and the Text of the Europa Ode. PDF | |
1996 | Lecture: | 5. | The Marriage of Greece and Rome in Horace, Epistles 2.1 and Epodes 8 and 12, APA (New York), December 1996. HTML |
Propertius: |
1988 | Lecture: | 1. | The Unity of Propertius 2.6 and 2.7, CAMWS (New Orleans), April 1988; folded into Chapter III of dissertation (§2). |
1990 | Dissertation: | 2. | Problems of Unity and Design in Propertius Book II,
University of Virginia, 1990, directed by John F. Miller. Oral versions of
three chapters have been presented as lectures: §1 previewed Chapter
III, while §6 and §8 summarized Chapters V and II,
respectively, and §10 would have been another chapter if I had
had more time. PDF |
1994 | Lecture: | 3. | Three Propertian Puns, CAMWS Southern Section (Chapel Hill), October 1994; now published as §9. |
1996 | Papers: | 4. | Nevermore: A Conjecture on Propertius 2.23.24, Mnemosyne 49 : 440-43. PDF |
5. | Guzzling Poison and Draining the Sea: A Conjecture on Propertius
2.24b.27, Phoenix 50 : 67-69. PDF |
Lecture: | 6. | Propertius 2.1-2 as Declaration of Poetic Suicide, Leeds Latin Seminar, May 2, 1997; from Chapter V of dissertation (§2). | |
1997 | Paper: | 7. | Propertius 1.13.29-32, Museum Criticum 30 :
239-45. |
1995 | Lecture: | 8. | A Poem or Two of Propertius (on 2.29), U.N.C. Asheville, February 1995; from Chapter II of dissertation (§2). |
1998 | Paper: | 9. | Three Propertian Puns, Classical Quarterly 47 : 599-603. Previewed in §3. PDF |
Lecture: | 10. | Inadvisable Mutilations: The Unity of Propertius 2.22, APA (Chicago), December 1997. HTML | |
2000 | E-Text: | 11. | Sexti Propertii Elegiae Selectae: Latin text of select elegies, with brief but original apparatus criticus, in preparation. Sample poems from Book 2 are already uploaded. |
| Paper: | 12. | Mixed Metaphors: The End of Propertius 2.14, in revision for Classical Philology. |
Ovid: |
1992 | Papers: | 1. | Two Conjectures in Ovids Metamorphoses, Classical Quarterly 42 : 552-55. |
1993 | 2. | Three Conjectures in Ovids Tristia, Liverpool Classical Monthly 18 : 5-7, 99. | |
1995 | 3. | Ovid, Fasti 4.421, Museum Criticum 29 : 251-53. PDF | |
1996 | 4. | Rouge and Crocodile Dung: Notes on Ovid, Ars 3.199f. and
269f., Classical Quarterly 45 : 583-88. PDF |
5. | On Not Looking at a Gorgon: Ovid, Met. 5.217, Mnemosyne 49 : 188-191. PDF | ||
6. | Improving the Alliteration: Ovid, Met. 6.376, Mnemosyne 49 : 443-45. PDF | ||
1997 | 7. | Ovid, Met. 13.481, Museum Criticum 30 : 247-48. PDF | |
8. | Ovid, Ex Ponto 3.8.6, Museum Criticum 30 : 249-52. PDF | ||
2008 | E-Text: | 9. | P. Ovidi Nasonis Heroides: Latin text, with brief but original apparatus criticus. Heroides 1 is already uploaded: HTML |
| 10. | Three Notes on Ars Amatoria I, in preparation. The three parts are: 1. Doubts Concerning the Manliness of a Centaur (14) 2. Peeling Away the Layers of Meaning: The Warning to Respectable Women (31-34) 3. What is Pudenda Fides? (644) |
10. | Europas Hornèd Bull in Moschus, Horace, and Ovid, in preparation. | ||
Petronius: |
1993 | Papers: | 1. | Eumolpus contra Calvos, Petronian Society Newsletter 23 : 7-9. PDF |
2. | The Imitation of Nightingales: A Petronian Crux, Petronian Society Newsletter 23 : 9. | ||
1994 | 3. | Another Silly Pun in Petronius (Sat. 34.10), Petronian Society Newsletter 24 : 22-23. | |
4. | Trimalchios Canis Catenarius: A Simple Solution?, Petronian Society Newsletter 24 : 23-24. PDF | ||
1996 | 5. | The Wrong End of the Stick, or Caveat Lector: A Reply to Barry Baldwin, Petronian Society Newsletter 26 : 11-13. My reply to criticism of §4. PDF | |
Seneca |
1998 | Papers: | 1. | Intrusive Hands: Two Conjectures in Senecas Medea. Échos du Monde Classique/Classical Views 42 : 109-114. PDF |
1999 | 2. | Is Nothing Gentler Than Wild Beasts? Seneca, Phaedra 558, Classical Quarterly 48 : 577-580. PDF | |
2000 | 3. | A Beastly Love Triangle: Seneca, Agamemnon 737-40,
Classical Quarterly 50 : 317-320. PDF |
2001 | 4. | Two Conjectures on Senecas Phaedra, Museum Criticum 32-35 : 181-185. PDF | |
2013 | E-Paper: | 5. | Two Conjectures on Senecas Agamemnon, Curculio 6, October 31, 2013. PDF |
| E-Text: | 6. | Corpus Annaeanae Tragoediae: Latin text of the ten plays attributed to Seneca, with brief but original apparatus criticus, in preparation. |
Flavian Verse: |
1994 | Paper: | 1. | A Pile-Driver in Statius (S. 1.1.64), Liverpool Classical Monthly 18 : 74-75. |
2008 | E-Text: | 2. | M. Valeri Martialis Epigrammta: Latin text, with brief but original apparatus criticus. Book IV is already uploaded as HTML and in the QLTP database. |
2013 | E-Papers: | 3. | Silius Italicus: Why Seventeen Books?, Curculio 1, August 19, 2013. PDF |
| 4. | Stuffed Dates in Statius (S. 1.6.19-20), in preparation. | |
Juvenal: |
1995 | Papers: | 1. | Juvenal 1.163: An Alternative Solution?, Liverpool Classical
Monthly 18 : 152-53. PDF |
1997 | 2. | Interpolating an Isthmus: Juvenal 6.294-7, Classical
Quarterly 47 : 323-27. PDF |
1998 | 3. | Three Cruces in Juvenal, Classical Quarterly 48 :
252-61. PDF |
4. | Juvenalia, Museum Criticum 30 : 253-66. PDF |
2000 | 5. | Excluded Husband and Two-Legged Ass: Two Notes on Juvenal 9, Échos du Monde Classique/Classical Views 19 : 85-90. PDF | |
2004 | E-Text: | 6. | Iuvenalis Saturae: Latin text of the sixteen satires, with
brief but original apparatus criticus, second edition imminent. Here is the first: HTML |
Tacitus and Suetonius: |
1996 | Lecture: | 1. | The Structure of Tacitus Annales: Three Hexads or Two Ogdoads?, CAMWS (Nashville), April 1996 - superseded by §4 below. HTML |
1997 | Paper: | 2. | Two Notes on Suetonius, Museum Criticum 30 : 281-83. PDF |
1998 | Lectures: | 3. | Oudèn pròs tòn Érôta: The Staging of Tacitus Dialogus de Oratoribus, APA (Washington, D.C.), December 1998. HTML |
2000 | 4. | The Structure of Tacitus Annales, University of Durham, May 8, 2000; sections 4-5 repeat §1 above. PDF Handout: PDF | |
| Papers: | 5. | The Staging of Tacitus Dialogus de Oratoribus, in preparation written version of §3. |
Claudian: |
| E-Text: | 1. | Claudii Claudiani Carmina Latina: surviving Latin verse, with brief but original apparatus criticus, in preparation. Roughly four-fifths of the corpus is uploaded. |
Paper: | 2. | How Shaggy is a Porcupine? Claudian, Hystrix (c.m. 9) 8, in preparation. | |
III. Miscellaneous Classics |
Lexicography and Palaeoentomology: |
| Paper: | 1. | Weevil, Wasp, and Woodlouse: Three Entomological Etymologies, in
preparation. The three parts are: 1. Weevil or Windpipe? Persius gurgulio (4.38) 2. How is a Wasp Like an Undertaker? Latin uespillo 3. How is a Pillbug Like an Ass? Greek ónos/óniskos |
IV. English Literature |
Elizabethan and Jacobean - Mostly Drama: |
2013 | E-Papers: | 1. | ‘Pervert the Present Wrath’: A Conjecture on Cymbeline, Curculio 2, August 26, 2013. PDF |
2. | Puss, My Suster: A Sly Joke in The Alchemist?, Curculio 4, September 30, 2013. PDF | ||
| 3. | Where Was Marlowes Alexandria? A Note on the Geography of Tamburlaine, Part II, with color maps, in preparation. | |
Restoration and Eighteenth Century: |
| E-Paper: | 1. | Great Paeans Son: A Conjecture in Thomas Russells Sonnet Supposed to be Written at Lemnos, in preparation. |
Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: |
2010 | Paper: | 1. | Two Greek Syllables in Whartons The Pelican, Notes and Queries 255.2 : 224-25. PDF |
| E-Paper: | 2. | Two Proper Names in A. A. Watts, ‘The Siege of Belgrade’, in preparation. |