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December 14, 2004

New Links

I've added two new Classics blogs to the links on the left, the first two I've seen by professors. Gabriel Laguna of the University of Córdoba (Tradición Clásica, mostly in Spanish) is the first blogger who has written a book I own, a commentary on Statius, Silvae III, though I haven't got around to reading it yet. David Wharton of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (A Little Urbanity) is the only other Classics blogger I've actually met, though only briefly, and long before either of us began blogging. I feel as if I know Debra Hamel (Blogographos) and David Meadows (Rogue Classicism) very well from their posts on Classics-L and occasional off-list communications, as well as their websites, but haven't actually met either one. That means that Angelo Mercado (Sauvage Noble) is the only one I know only through his blog. Perhaps in another six or eight months there will be enough Classics bloggers for a convention, or a panel at the A.P.A.

Posted by Michael Hendry at 09:35 PM | Comments (0)

Comments Off Again

I'm sorry, but I've had to turn comments off again. I do wish Michael Powell would spend less time worrying about televised smut and more arranging televised trials and long sentences for spammers. According to my 'back of the envelope calculation', if I keep blogging until I die and continue to spend the same percent of my waking time deleting spam from my various websites, it will have the same effect as shortening my lifespan by a year or two. I don't see why doing that to me and tens of thousands of other bloggers shouldn't be enough to put someone away for life without parole.

Posted by Michael Hendry at 07:59 PM | Comments (0)

December 05, 2004

Feedback Needed

Late last night I got back from a very pleasant two days at the Ancient Studies: New Technology III conference in Harrisonburg -- more on that later. While I was there, I picked up some tricks that should theoretically improve this site. The first has just been installed: unicode (e.g. Φ for capital omega) to display Greek even for viewers who have no Greek font installed on their machines.

If anyone wants to help me see whether it worked, please take a look at Juvenal's first satire and let me know whether the Greek-letter manuscript designations came through. There should be a capital omega at the end of line 87, an end-of-word sigma at the end of 100, and a capital phi at the end of 104. There are all in the apparatus criticus in the right-hand column, just before the double vertical slashes that mark the end of each critical note. If you do not see Greek letters in all three places, I would like to know what you do see, and what browser you are using. Answers may be left in the contents.

Comments have been turned back on. Please ignore any spam that survives long enough for you to see it. I haven't found a technical solution for that yet.

Posted by Michael Hendry at 11:54 PM | Comments (5)