March 07, 2004

Announcement: Blogs 1-3

I launched the first two Lanx Satura lit-blogs last Monday, March 1st:

  1. Gracián's Oráculo Manual
  2. Ambrose Bierce: Write It Right, A Little Blacklist of Literary Faults

They should each now display seven daily posts, though I'm a day behind on Gracián, whose Spanish is turning out to be harder than anticipated. I should be able to catch up later today.

Last night, I launched my third weblog:

  1. M. R. James: Ghost Stories

This differs in several respects from the first two:

  1. Entries will be posted weekly, rather than daily.
  2. James' text will be posted in separate files, linked from the blog, and I will also build a separate index file when there are enough of them to be worth indexing. This is partly because they are entire short stories rather than single paragraphs, but mostly because it allows the use of the right margin for notes.
  3. I am hoping that readers will help me supply these explanatory notes, asking questions that need to be answered, or offering answers to questions that need to be asked, or have been asked by others.
  4. Since possible questions and answers cover a lot of ground, I will have four separate comment-threads for each story: literary, historical-geographical, linguistic-exegetical, and typographical-formatting. These are explained on the James blog.

Please note that I am still working on the formats of my blogs, particularly for the archive files, which are still quite ugly, though usable.

Posted by Michael Hendry at March 7, 2004 10:00 AM
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